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PTPlot: Randall-Sundrum model benchmark points

Benchmark points for the holographic phase transition in Randall-Sundrum models (supplied by G. Nardini).

notes go here

General parameters used for plotting: vw=0.95, T=500.0GeV (when all points are plotted), g=106.75.

Mission profile: Science Requirements Document (3 years)

Full list of points:

[Show list of points]

[plot all points with these parameters]

Results for point (B2): [ B2 ]

Using the following model specific parameters: αθ=4.6100; β/H=98; T=821.8GeV;

And the following general parameters: vw=0.95; g=106.75;

Warning: the reliability of the power spectrum ansatz at these phase transition strengths has not been tested.

New: download the source points as a CSV [experimental]

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