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PTPlot: 2HDM benchmark points

Benchmark points for the two-Higgs-doublet model with a softly-broken Z2 symmetry (supplied by G. Dorsch and J.M. No).

Benchmark points for the two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) with a softly-broken Z2 symmetry, with scalar potential V(H1,H2)=μ21|H1|2+μ22|H2|2μ2[H1H2+h.c.]+λ12|H1|4+λ22|H2|4+λ3|H1|2|H2|2+λ4|H1H2|2+λ52[(H1H2)2+h.c.], In the mass basis, there are three new physical states in addition to the 125 GeV Higgs h: a charged scalar H± and two neutral states H0, A0. Apart from their masses, the 2HDM features as free parameters two angles (β and α) and μ2. In the following results we consider mH±=mA0, cos(βα)=0 (the 2HDM alignment limit) an fix for convenience μ2(tanβ+tan1β)=m2H0. Results are shown for benchmarks in mH0[180GeV,450GeV] and mA0[mH0+150GeV,mH0+350GeV].

General parameters used for plotting: vw=0.7, T=50.0GeV (when all points are plotted), g=106.75.

Mission profile: Science Requirements Document (3 years)

This model has the following scenarios:

  • Set 1: 2HDM points which are currently allowed both for Type I and Type II 2HDM. For Type II, these will be probed by the LHC in the future, while for Type I the LHC will not be able to exclude these benchmarks, depending on the value of tanβ (which does not influence the strength of the PT). [plot scenario]
  • Set 2: 2HDM points which are currently allowed for Type I 2HDM, but excluded for Type II 2HDM, by LHC searches. [plot scenario]

Full list of points:

[Show list of points]

[plot all points with these parameters]

Results for point [ (mH,mA)=(200,480)GeV, tanβ=2 ]

Using the following model specific parameters: αθ=0.0326; β/H=1644; T=76.7GeV;

And the following general parameters: vw=0.7; g=106.75;

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